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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  February 22, 2013 12:00am-1:00am EST

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too close because she is most likely to die and she is around the same age as my child. in the midst of that, you can't detach. >> you can see "open heart" on hbo later this year. piers morgan tonight starts now. is the oscar pistorius defense enough to get him free on bail in a few hours? >> he's a loving person, as well as reeva. >> i'll talk to his best friend about the couple, the crime and where pistorius goes from here. and the real story behind "argo." >> when i was in office, i ordained we would not reveal any american involvement in the process. >> my exclusive with president jimmy carter on the rescue mission immortalized by the film, about guns in america and how his grandson helped get obama re-elected. >> it's something he cannot deny, and it stuck with him the rest of the election.
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>> this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening, san diego, california, for an exclusive interview with former president jimmy carter, we'll get to that but in a few hours, oscar pistorius will intera courtroom with the hopes of leaving a free man. the latest? the lead investigator accused of attempted murder. pistorius says he didn't mean to keel reeva steenkamp. he thought he was shooting an intruder. prosecutors call it premeditated murder. joining us now is a close friend of oscar pistorius who spent a lot of time with the couple. welcome to you, kevyn lorena. my sincere condolences to you in the loss of your friend reeva, and oscar pistorius who is facing his own life ruined. what is your reaction to the
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events in the court this week? it will come down to the end of whether people believe oscar's version of events. >> it's been a hard week for a lot of south africans. oscar was my friend. reeva was my friend. you have to stand by your friends, no matter what the story was or the truth, the on us is on oscar and i'm backing oscar. very hard for me because i feel like i've lost two friends. the passing of reeva and what's happening to oscar now is very tragic. >> when did you last see them both as a couple? >> as a couple? it was in capetown over december holidays. that's when i last saw them. i was speaking a lot to oscar, reeva. texting. i last saw them as a couple in january. in january.
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>> the last time you talked to oscar about reeva, he is saying now very firmly they were in love, he had rarely felt happier, nothing wrong with the relationship. was that your understanding? >> 100%. when i saw them together in capetown, they were in love. oscar is a loving person, as well as reeva. by no means did i think their relationship was in jeopardy. they were loving and very sad, it was a big shock to us to hear what happened, to wake up that valentine's morning and hear the shock. to all south africans and many people around the world. very loving and their relationship was smooth. >> oscar had a number of guns at his home and there are reports that he enjoyed drinking. perhaps a little too much on occasion. just describe to me what oscar was like away from the cameras. was he a big drinker? somebody prone to having temper tantrums, for example? we saw one at the olympics.
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did you see that side to him? >> never in my company. as a person, oscar very happy, loving, joyful person. when you are a person of his status and around the world you always got people watching you. by no means was ever misbehaving or wild. never in my company was he reckless or aggressive toward anyone. >> what about his relationship with guns? you were in a restaurant with oscar when a firearm went off accidentally in the restaurant which would alarm many people. >> correct. you know, our relationship with guns and that type of thing, oscar was a collector, and a few of his friends are collectors as well. he carried his own handgun for his own self-protection. after all, around the world, there are bad parts in every country and every city.
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a good form of self-defense, whether it's a false sense of security or not. a lot of people in south africa carry guns for self-defense. with regard to the issue, that was a major mistake what happened from oscar's part, it wasn't intentional. it could have been a very bad event and something that could have been very tragic. we are very fortunate and after that event, oscar was very apologetic. that's how dangerous guns can be. by no means did i think he was negligent with the gun. it was a pure accident, what happened. >> in terms of where we are now, try and -- if you can, tell me about the area of pretoria in south africa, where oscar lives. how dangerous is it there? did oscar have good reason -- and you told us he was paranoid. did oscar have good reason to fear someone would break in and cause his harm?
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>> definitely. i can't talk about around the world, but in south africa, the most secure state and most protected places are the places getting hit all the time, the upmarketplaces are where people are looking to break in, burglars are looking to intrude. i believe sense of security in south africa is a good thing, whether good area or bad area, you have to take security very highly and, yes, i believe whether you stay in the high area, low class area, securities is very important. and you can never have too much security anywhere around the world, especially if are you a person of his status. >> knowing oscar as you did and do, and having known reeva as well. is it possible that oscar pistorius could have lost his temper in an argument with reeva, maybe had a few drinks, we don't know, and just literally flipped? and killed her because he was having a human rage?
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>> like said, the on success on oscar. there are three sides to every story. no one will really know what happens. we hope what's said in court is the truth. it sounds like it is. if you block out what the press is staying and what oscar said in his statement it makes sense. with regard to arguing, you don't know what goes through someone's mind if they are arguing, can they flip out? i don't know. for the time being, i blocked out the bad press and thought about it. if you look at oscar's story and affidavit, it makes sense. >> do you think he will get bail tomorrow? will you be seeing him if he does? >> that's up to the state obviously. judging on my own opinion, yes, i think he will get bail and if
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opportunity comes to see him, i would love to see him. like i said, i'm his friend. been in contact with his brother and i'm wishing the family all the best. my condolences are with the steenkamp family and the pistol -- pistorius family. i would love to see my friend, console him. either way, if it's a mistake, murder, premed murder, whatever the state comes out, with you want to console your friend. >> thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. thank you, piers. >> i want to bring in my legal experts to talk about the case. alan dershowitz and vinnie politan. welcome to you both. this case, alan is getting ever more bizarre. we have one of the chief prosecutors, one of the chief police officials who has been removed from the case from the investigation because it turned
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out he himself is facing these bizarre charges of attempted murder related to some drunken night out. >> it's bizarre. attempted murder charge doesn't seem like it's plausible. he shot at a van which he believed contained fleeing felons. he acted in the course of his duty of a police officer. i never found anybody indicted for attempted murder for that, attempted murder needs intent to kill. is this the south african judicial system, that cannot be trusted? it's not a good legal system. it is a politically correct system, a system that has had corruption in it over the years and a system that does not have checks and balances, the way our system in the united states and the british system has, so, you know, you can speculate all you
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want, but there is reason to be suspicious about whether this is a complete coincidence or somebody trying to manipulate the system. >> vinnie politan, you were pretty firm last night you think he's guilty. have you changed your mind? >> did he fill out an affidavit? then i might change my mind. i look at the facts. i look at a man with a gun, a woman shot and killed, okay? that's where we start this whole thing from. the fact that this lead investigator has some baggage, it's not good, i wouldn't like it as a prosecutor, but hopefully the judge that hears the case can figure out, it has nothing to do with what happened in the room that night. >> the prosecutor today says the defense failed to explain why two cell phones and the gun were found in front of the shower, adding to the speculation that reefa steenkamp locked herself in the bathroom to protect
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herself. >> it's very possible. to protect herself from whom? the prosecution will say to protect herself from him, from oscar. the defense will say she locked the door because she heard oscar screaming and she too thought there might have been an intruder and locked herself in the room. again, i have to emphasize the court is not going to determine on the bail application or ultimately, which is the more reasonable account. every good reason he ought to get bail and it will tell us a lot what the judges are thinking, how they determine whether or not to give him bail. >> vinnie that will clearly be an indicator of i guess how they are viewing this case. do you think he'll get bail? do you think he should get bail? >> i don't think he should get bail. charged with premeditated furd degree murder and if the judge agrees based on what he heard in the courtroom, why would you get bail?
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especially someone like this. this is someone who has access to money, an ability to get away, and the fact he can't hide somewhere, maybe he finds a jurisdiction where it's more difficult to be brought back into the country. >> do you really believe that? >> the bottom line, we know he's responsible for the death. we know he's responsible for the death, alan. >> what you and others want to took you are so sure he's guilty, you want to punish him. this way he spends a year in jail and even if he's acquitted he gets some punishment. that's not the way the legal system is supposed to operate. >> it's protection. not just about punishment. it's about the protection of the rest of society. what else is he capable of doing if he, in fact, responsible for killing another human being already? that's another part of all of this. >> but what he's if not. but what if he's not. >> is he responsible. he is responsible. best case scenario, he's the most irresponsible gun owner ever.
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>> that's a hard line to cross. i wish we could talk again if there were no gun in the house we would have two live people today instead of a dead person and a person struggling to save his own liberty. but irresponsible gun ownership is not a crime, unfortunately, and we have to understand the difference between being responsible for what happened, and he is morley responsible for what happened, even if he made a mistake, and being criminally responsible. you don't deny somebody bail unless are you certain he is criminally responsible. you are prepared to be judge, jury, and executioner. >> based on his words. >> you may be right. his words don't persuade me. >> thank you so much. >> got to leave it there. >> this debate is happening all over the world, all over america. nobody is 100% sure what happened here. that's what makes it so gripping obviously. we'll find out tomorrow if he gets bail. >> when in doubt, let him out. >> thank you very much.
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coming up, exclusive interview with jimmy carter on obama, guns in america, and, of course, "argo." old me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this.
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he was the 39th president of the united states at a time when the country was in deep crisis. the economy, the energy crunch and turmoil in the middle east. sound familiar? i know john paul ii, whom we knew quite well, went through a lot more ordeals and i think more health problems than pope benedict, but i don't -- i'm not in a position to criticize. i don't know what his status of health is. >> but if an american president retired on the grounds of exhaustion, they would be ridiculed, wouldn't it?
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>> i think it wasn't just exhaustion, but he wasn't able to handle the mental challenges to handle his job. it's up to him to make a decision. not been done much in the past. >> a lot of people when i said i was interviewing you. >> yes. >> said to me, as long as last time, said he's the greatest post president america has ever had. is that compliment or a veiled insult? >> i take it as a compliment. my wife would take it maybe as a veiled insult. we did a lot of good things when we brought peace to egypt. we formed an alliance with china after 35 years, we told the truth, we kept our country at peace for four years, which is a rare thing. >> incredibly rare. >> i think we -- peace and human rights. >> has the role of president
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changed dramatically do you think? >> yes, it has. >> when you look at the challenges facing president obama, what do you think? >> it has changed dramatically. when i ran against gerald ford you know how much money we raised? none. and four years later when i ran against ronald reagan, we didn't raise any money. we used $2 per person checkoff and that was the money we used for the campaign. so the change has been brought about is primarily because of the massive infusion of money into the political campaign. >> does that corrupt the political system? >> it corrupts the whole political system and means almost every member of congress running for election are accepting massive legal bribes from special interests who want something in return in the future and the worst thing about it is that the massive infusion
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of money that's been ordained stupidly by the supreme court from -- from commercial organizations is used for negative commercials so the main technique used to win an election is to destroy the reputation of your opponent. >> let's turn to president obama. what is the greatest achievement and his greatest failure to date? what would you like to see him do in the second term? >> well, i think in the second term, he will have to be a lot more liberated from political constraints than he was before. i would like to see him understand he is going to the mideast soon, to jerusalem, for the first time, and i would like him to promote peace between israel and israel's neighbors and insist on the same things that he promulgated in his speech in cairo, and call for the 67 voters to prevail. he's been quite mute on that for the last three years or more. >> diplomatically you have gone for the easy answer.
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what about his greatest and worst moments as president do you think? >> i don't think he's had a worst moment. he has not done anything that was disgraceful or severe failure. he got re-elected which is a good thing for an incumbent president. >> biggest disappointment? >> i wanted him to move forward on matters concerning human rights, closing guantanamo and human rights around the world. we have permanent incarceration and drones around the world. >> are any drone attacks acceptable? >> i would like to see some intermediate step, maybe not in the federal government, but executive branch, if not -- i would prefer federal government first, where a judge would say, okay, let's see if this american citizen, say living in yemen or
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mali, that you want to assassinate without trial if that's a justified act if they prove it, go ahead with it. but for a -- i think now it just says a distinguished american or authoritative american, it could likely be the president or somebody else, to be able to say we'll kill that particular person, because we believe sometime in the future he is planning to attack america, that is too loose a description of what -- of what the situation should be. >> no doubt if a republican president was doing this the democrats would be shouting foul very loudly i think. >> i think that's true. and there were a few drone attacks under george w. bush, but massively escalated under this administration and i would like to see some restraints put on him. >> where has president obama been successful? his great achievements do you think? >> obama care, the health care
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is a major achievement. it was something i wanted to do when i was president, wasn't able to get it through. most previous presidents, both democratic and republican, have tried to do the same thing. he was able to succeed working with the congress. i would have rather seen a single pay system, but i think that was a major achievement. >> last time we spoke, and you sort of suggested you didn't have much of a relationship with president obama. have things improved or deteriorated or about the same? >> about the same. you know, he and i respect each other. when he came to atlanta this past week, his staff invited me to come to the speech -- i was in atlanta to make a speech myself. i couldn't go, but he met my grandson who is in the state senate. he met my grandson, the won who found the 47% tape and. >> it won him the election. >> i personally think so. james, my grandson who did that, was born a month after i moved to the white house. >> so carter won obama the
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election? >> i think so. but that is a biased statement. >> it was something he could not deny that stuck with him for the rest of the election. it was a major factor. when james went to meet president obama president obama ran across the room and embraced him and thanked him. >> this was last week, the first time? >> yes, it was. >> did he say thank you for winning me the election? >> i don't think so. i don't know exactly what the words were. >> would you like to have a better relationship with the president? >> i have had ups and downs with presidents. that's the case through history. my most close friends in the white house was george w. senior and james baker.
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there are some things that the government cannot do and some presidents have called on me and the carter center to perform those duties, that's the main judgment i've made. but i never go into a sensitive area of the world without getting at least tacit approval from the white house. they always know i'm going and if they say don't go, usually i don't go. >> usually? >> one time i decided to go regardless, in 1994 when we were heading toward a war toward noth and south korea and i wrote president clinton a letter and said i've decided to go without your approval, and the vice president, al gore, intercepted my letter, president clinton was in europe, the anniversary of the normandy landing, if you change that sentence to i am strongly inclined to go, i think i can get the president's approval. and i went and i worked out an agreement. >> do you think hilary clinton
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will run in 2016? >> i don't know what she will do, but she's done an outstanding job as secretary of state. i'm proud of her achievement. >> let's take a break. the academy awards this weekend in los angeles. have you a vested interest i think really in your heart, "argo" which involves one of the good moments of your presidency, is up for the best movie. we'll ask you about that. >> all right. president carter brought with him some memorabilia which we auction to benefit the carter center. >> i make furniture, made all kinds in the past, four poster beds. this time i made a simple stool out of a beautiful piece of wood, and it will be auctioned off, and my furniture always brings a big price, because people want to help the carter center and then they have a piece of furniture that 100 years later was made by a president.
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we think everybody knows hollywood people and everybody knows they would shoot in stalin grad if it sells tickets. there are only bad options, it's about finding the best one.
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>> you don't have a better bad idea than this? >> this is the best bad idea we have, sir, by far. >> the united states government has just sanctioned your science fiction movie. >> a theme from the oscar nominated film "argo" about a daring rescue during the iranian hostage rescue. jimmy carter was in the white house at the time. you have seen "arg "i take it? >> i have. >> how accurate is it? >> first of all, i want to say it's a great film and i hope it gets athe award, because it deserves it. i would say 90% of the plan was canadian, and the movie gives almost full credit to the american cia. and with that exception, the movie is very good.
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but ben affleck's character in the film, he was only in tehran a day and a half, and the main hero in my opinion was ken taylor, a canadian ambassador. i was informed about it the first day and very much involved with the canadian government, because the canadian government would not legally permit six false passports to be issued, so the canadian parliament had to go in secret session the first time in history and voted to let us use six canadian passports that were false. >> when you first heard about this outlandish plan to create a fictitious science fiction movie, you are president of the united states. if this went wrong, would you be a laughing stock. so it's a bold moment for you, for the presidency, for the country.
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>> well, i don't deny that, but it was much bolder for the canadian government to do it the canadian government was not involved in the hostage crisis, as you know. they could have been hostages themselves had it been revealed. but as said, they did the primary work, and as a matter of fact, the american hostages left iran and landed in switzerland before the iranians ever discovered they had been there when i left office, i or daned -- ordained we would never reveal any american involvement, but give canadians full credit. and that prevailed for a number of years. i think it's a great film, tells a great story and accurate enough. >> there was a high point. but there was a low point involving the other hostages in iran and what i heard about this, it was because you sent more helicopters than you were supposed to, then even more crashed and were taken out of operation, rendering it a
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failure. >> one helicopter turned around and went back to the airplane. one went down in a sandstorm. we were left with six, and one of them crashed. so we lost three out of eight helicopters, which was completely unpredictable. had six helicopters survived, the hostages would have been rescued. a beautiful planned operation. >> ha had that third one not gone down. do you think it would have saved your presidency? >> i think so. it was a major factor, because not only did it happen on election day, but the last three days i was in the white house, i never went to bed. i was constantly negotiating, when president reagan was ready to take off, they were on a plane ready to take off, but the ayatollah khomeini kept them 2
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1/2 hours more to make sure i was out of office. >> how did that make you feel? >> i was very happy. when president reagan was making his inauguration speech. i was told that the hostages were on their way to germany. it was one of the happiest moments of my life. >> and president reagan sent you to germany. >> yes, very graciously he sent me to greet the hostages. >> when you see the killing of osama bin laden, you see a helicopter go down. how much are these things alike? that could have cost president obama his presidency if both crashed in the hunt for bin laden. >> there is always luck involved, heroism involved whether you win or lose in any particular event.
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i was gratified to see it succeeded. >> let's take a break. we want to talk about all things foreign policy. john kerry made his first speech and said there is no such thing as foreign policy. that everything foreign impacts on america's domestic affairs. >> another one is argo poster over here is signed and a photograph of me and tony mendez, a hero in the cia that helped get out our six host 02:08:ainl ages from the canadian embassy. when you have diabetes...
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more than ever before, the decisions we make from the safety of our shores don't just ripple outward, they also create a current right here in america. >> secretary of state john kerry offering his view on u.s. foreign policy, his interview with former president jimmy
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carter, john kerry has a point. almost everything america does on the foreign stage these days does have a direct exact back home. >> the morning of president obama's inauguration, john kerry and his wife came to my hotel room and we had a long conversation about the future of america and of foreign policy, and he expressed the same sentiments to me at the time. >> did you agree with him? >> yes, i do. no way to separate foreign policy from dmesage fairs. >> there is a sense that president obama's strategy is leading from the back is that the way we should do it let the international community take more of the lion's share of incidents like egypt, libya? >> i think so. one of the ways to avoid america getting into war is to wait until the peace efforts have been exhausted and the united states make as a move, like in
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the case of libya, so forth. i think some of we've been in war since president eisenhower left office. the united states has been in war almost full time in some country or the other. maybe it was legitimate to do away with al qaeda in afghanistan after they attacked america. that was certainly an attack i approved. but in general america has been in war too much. >> should america be a little bit more insular, a little more selfish? >> i don't think so. i think we have to be involved in a global situation. we won't be the pre-eminent unilateral super power like before. but we have obligations overseas. i would like to see the united states take the pre-eminent role of peace in israel. >> does everything come back to israel and palestine? >> i think so. i think more than any other
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situation on earth, this is the most directly affecting adversely america in not bringing peace to israel and justice and peace to the palestinians, yes. >> can you -- you obviously were very successful in bringing peace with israel and egypt. can any deal be done that doesn't involved sitting across the table with hamas? >> i met several times with hamas leadership and they are willing to accept israel to exist peacefully within the '67 borders with some modifications of the borders. the first step is to bring hamas and fatah together. that's the first step. and the '67 borders with some mott fictions will lead to a two-state solution. netanyahu has decided to move uniquivikaly to a one-state solution. and every one of his predecessors and the prime
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minister has said is a disaster. i think that insisting from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea has to be controlled by israel. that's a mistake for israel. >> iran, quite worrying developments today. iran is installing advanced centrifuge machines to make uranium. according to the nuclear watchdog. and the iaea suspects that it may have held nuclear tests related to nuclear weapons. at what point should the united states consider nuclear action? >> i would hope we could avoid military action there, and, you know, obviously if iran should threaten israel with a missile that is nuclear in character, a
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nuclear missile, then obviously america would have to defend israel and should, but it would be almost completely suicidal for iran that might have two or three or four missiles to be attacking a country that has maybe 150 or 200 missiles that is israel and knowing the united states without 5,000 missiles would respond instantaneously, almost impossible for me to consider iran being that stupid. >> last time we spoke, you thought president assaad would be gone in a few months, more than a year later, what should be done about him? >> i'm not sure what you just said is true. i have always doubted that assaad could be overthrown in the early stage. >> i think you hoped it would be he resolved. >> i hoped it would be resolved, but this is one of the cases -- one of the few cases where i disagree with u.s. government policy. i don't think it's ever possible for a side to be forced to step down by the opposition forces that is constantly martialed
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against him. 3.5 million people in his military, the air rights with him, the christians with him. a lot of other nonsunni muslims with him and i never thought it would be easy to throw out assaad. i have known him, and he has made some horrible mistakes. >> let's take a break. i want to talk to you about guns, the culture of guns in america and what should be done about it. >> i do a lot of painting, and this one is one of the paintings i've done. i know you got to go in a minute but this is a real quick meal, that's perfect for two! campbell's chunky beef with country vegetables, poured over rice! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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i've been around a long time. i'm the guy who wrote the first assault weapon ban, the biden bill, put the cops on the street, elected as a 29-year-old kid. but i've never seen an array of officials who are as committed and talented, and i mean this
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sincerely, as what is called for and needed right now, right at this moment. and right in this state. biden speaking guns today. i'm interviewing former president carter. you're a gun owner. you own a variety of guns. what do you make of this debate, post the appalling atrocity in sandy hook? >> well, for a long time, i advocated prohibition against assault weapons and against magazines that hold multiple bullets and things of that kind. and i think is something that was done earlier. it was not renewed and i would like to see congress do that this time. >> the main reason why the assault weapons ban may not pass is the power of the nra. >> i know, yeah. >> then the politicians get cowed into silence. i think it just morally cowardly. >> i do too, i agree with you completely.
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and it happens at the federal level and at every state level and every municipal level. the nra is there, pressuring weak-kneed public officials who yield to their pressures when they know what they are doing is wrong. i'm a gun owner. i'm a farmer. i have two pistols. i have two rifles. a .243 and .22. i have four or five shotguns. i've been hunting all my life. i never had the need for an assault weapon. i never had the need for ballistic bullet. never had a need for anything of that kind. i think it is ridiculous for our country to be in the forefront of killing with guns. when you see 43 people in canada killed for a year and several thousand people killed in the united states with guns, that shows the nra is wrong and we should have some restraint. >> what should president obama
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do to try to get through another assault weapon ban? >> well, you have to put the full, you know, influence of the white house behind a subject this controversial. and deal with every senator and every congressmember on an individual basis and see what they need and what they want and maybe use, you know, most persuasive effort. and i think he is doing the right thing though in bringing this to the forefront in his second term. it's been very good. and i think he is doing a very good job with that. i hope he will succeed. >> we are here in san diego and it is the 21st weekend, raising over 80 million in this initiative, extraordinary achievement. has that become your best achievement? >> i think so. the budget is $100 million that we use for multiple sources. we promote peace, promote democracy. we just finished our 93rd troubled election in the world.
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the first two elections in indonesia, all three elections in the palestine and but the main thing we do is deal with tropical diseases. neglected diseases. one of the most notable achievement has been guinea worm. we started out with 3.5 million cases and 26,500 villages. we have been to every village. now from 3.5 million to last year 542 cases only. >> that's amazing. >> and in january, there was zero cases of guinea worm in the world for the first time in history. >> could you have cracked it? >> well, we will have more cases come up later on in the year but we are cutting down. eventually we will have zero cases of guinea worm on earth and that's will be the second disease eradicated from the world. >> let's take one short final break. on
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when i was a president, i pointed out that human rights would be the foundation of our foreign policy and this is a statement that i made and i wrote a long note on it.
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and signed it personally so this is the original document. somebody will get it in the auction. now president jimmy carter, i can't leave without asking you about your wife. i had the pleasure 6 meeting her. how is she? >> she is fine. she is dedicated to mental health. she has the first program overseas in liberia, which has been for about 25 years and she is now helping to train 150 psychiatric nurses because they've only had one psychiatrist in all of liberia. so she works on mental health all over the world. >> now i reckon you will live another 40 years, which is my guess looking at you, what is your legacy? if you wrote your own tombstone, what would you like it so say. >> human rights and peace. aggressively seek peace and bring hope to people in the world.